Friday, December 28, 2007

Action Adventure & Responsibility: The World's First "Zero-Emissions" Motor Challenge!

On the last day of 2007 Besant Nagar Beach in Chennai, India will see a group of over 60 international adventure aficionados take the helm of 26 autorickshaws, as they set off on their 1024KM race to Kannyakumari…. This time though, they’re going green.

South India’s internationally renowned Classic Autorickshaw Challenge became famous in 2006 for its ground breaking move into adventure tourism and the autorickshaw rally scene. This year organisers are taking their responsibilities to the environment one step further with the implementation of a carbon-offsetting scheme, which will see the development of sustainable local agriculture and the planting of trees in Tiruvannamalai. With this simple but historic move, the CEAT Classic Autorickshaw Challenge 2007 becomes the world's first environmentally responsible motor sport event.

Hailed as "An amazing race for the clinically insane", the Autorickshaw Challenge supports teams through every type of micro-climate possible; from major cities to off-the-map rural villages. The group of 67 like minded international participants are privileged to an intimate journey of cultural experiences, of both land and people. Chennai Event Management Services, the organizers behind the Challenges, hope that the success of this hugely innovative program will be a pivotal development for the larger motor sports and tourism industries.

At present international certification standards for this form of agro forestry are non-existent, both the organizers and Trees for the Future have therefore pioneered a program design specifically for the race. It is with this forward thinking style of organisation that Chennai Event Management Services hope to see a new era of environmental accountability.

Find out more at our website at


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