Thursday, December 13, 2007

Angelina Jolie is Eco friendly

Angelina Jolie is well known not just for her acting ability but for the good deeds she does for various organizations. If Jolie is environmentally friendly as well, she could make her flowers and plants even friendlier for the earth. A new line of flowerpots has just hit the market, and they're sure to draw the eyes...and wallets...of all those who do what they can to keep the earth clean and healthy.

The pots, called EcoForm pots, are a new line of beautifully designed containers being sold by a company based in
Santa Rosa, California. These pots are earth friendly because they're made from grain husks, like rice hulls. The binders used are starch-based and water-soluble and all additives are biodegradable. With ingredients like those, the pots are completely biodegradable, so they make good environmental sense.

They also make good economical sense, because they're durable, too. The pots are meant to last for a period of five years. At the end of that time, they decompose naturally and form a rich organic material with a PH of 7.

Surely big-name stars like Angelina Jolie who are concerned about the environment will help fuel this trend for biodegradable plant and flower containers.

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